Now Available!!

Are you ready for a nap? I see you! You are not alone in feeling exhausted and humbled. It's been a wild few years and it's okay to feel the stretch! 

Life has been so real lately, yet you crave joy!

Bring your cozy blanket and snuggle up. God stands ready to pour out miracles and lift your weary heart.

You are made for these days, and His Rest is the secret to thriving with joy in today's world.


Get Your Copy Now

"Come unto me,
all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28

if You've been feeling the pressures of life for way too long and need hope now.

if You are seeking comfort and hope.

if You feel called to lead but also want a nap.

if You love simple tools to increase your joy.

if You are desiring a deeper connection with Christ.

if You need practical tools to navigate life's challenges.

if You need a reminder to trust in God's timing and rest.

if You crave inspiration and strategies for thriving in your daily life.

This book is For you...

"My presence
shall go with thee,
and I will give
thee rest."

Exodus 33:14

“Every chapter brought me back to the Savior. Not only did I feel seen, I felt hope.”

"Reading this has reminded me to watch for miracles."

"His Rest" is like sitting with your best friend.

"You had me crying, laughing, and feeling inspired."

"What a powerful and timely message for the weary souls of this world!"

Get Your Copy Now


I love Jesus and I love His invitation to come unto Him and rest. Rest in His love, His favor, and His protection. I absolutely love this book and the author of it for it is a rich journey on receiving and resting with the Prince of Peace, the true Source of love and truth. I can’t recommend this book enough!

Tiffany Peterson
Coach, Author & Podcaster

After some long, hard years, His Rest felt like a warm hug. Not only did I feel seen, I felt hope. How have I lived without His Rest?!? This book brings comfort, hope, peace, and makes me feel like I can get out of bed and handle whatever comes my way, with Him.

Michelle Mucullough
Speaker, Author, & Coach

His Rest played a powerful role in helping me open my heart to a new way of being loved, healed, and restored through Christ. The way Ashlee writes provided such an honoring space for me to consider my own experiences.  Her unapologetic invitation to give ALL to Him was guidance I will cherish for the rest of my days. 

Allison White
Coach, Speaker & Educator

what they're saying...

we rest and rise
        with Him.

©2023 Ashlee Miller